David Waxman's Publications
Home Page


Exact first passage time distribution for second-order reactions in chemical networks
Changqian Rao, David Waxman, Wei Lin, Zhuoyi Song

Exact path-integral representation of the Wright-Fisher model with mutation and selection
David Waxman

Influence of selection on the probability of fixation at a locus with multiple alleles
Andrew D J Overall, David Waxman
BMC Genomics 25, 819 (2024)
Online Version
Supplementary Material

Investigating population continuity and ghost admixture among ancient genomes
James McKenna, Carolina Bernhardsson, David Waxman, Mattias Jakobsson, Per Sjodin
Human Population Genetics and Genomics 2024; 4(3):0009
Online Version

The pseudoentropy of allele frequency trajectories, the persistence of variation, and the effective population size
Nikolas Vellnow, Toni I Gossmann, David Waxman
Biosystems 238(11) (2024)
Online Version
Supplementary Material


Information encoded in gene-frequency trajectories
Konstantinos Mavreas, David Waxman
Biosystems 231:10498 (2023)
Online Version

Homogenizing entropy across different environmental conditions:
A universally applicable method for transforming continuous variables
JR Peck, D Waxman
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 69(3) (2023)
Online Version


Theoretically quantifying the direct and indirect benefits of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 in terms of avoided deaths
G Scutt, M Cross, D Waxman
Scientific Reports, Volume 12, Article number: 8833 (2022)
Online Version

Correcting bias in allele frequency estimates due to an observation threshold: A Markov chain analysis
TI Gossmann, D Waxman
Genome Biology and Evolution, Volume 14, Issue 4 (2022)
Online Version

Loss and fixation of strongly favoured new variants: Understanding and extending Haldane's result via the Wright-Fisher model
K Mavreas, TI Gossmann, D Waxman
BioSystems 221, 104759 (2022)
Online Version

Increased brain volume from higher cereal and lower coffee intake:
Shared genetic determinants and impacts on cognition and metabolism
Jujiao Kang, Tianye Jia, Zeyu Jiao, Chun Shen, Chao Xie, Wei Cheng, Barbara J Sahakian, David Waxman, Jianfeng Feng
Cerebral Cortex 32: 5163-5174 (2022)


Improved estimates of mean pharmacokinetic parameters for increased accuracy in dosing and reduced risk to patients
G Scutt, D Waxman
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 87(9): 3518-3530 (2021)
Online Version


Impact of intra and inter-cluster coupling balance on the performance of nonlinear networked systems
Jiachen Ye, Peng Ji, David Waxman, Wei Lin, Yamir Moreno
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 139, 110065 (2020)

Lethal mutations with fluctuating heterozygous effect: the lethal force of effective dominance
Andrew Overall and David Waxman
Journals of Human Genetics 65, 1105-1113 (2020)

Influence of Dominance and Drift on Lethal Mutations in Human Population
David Waxman and Andrew Overall
Frontiers in Genetics 11, 267 (2020)

Safe prognostication following cardiac arrest:
The role of the pharmacokinetics of fentanyl in patients treated with targeted temperature management
F Baldwin, R Gray, O Boyd, D Waxman, B Pater, M Allen, G Scutt
Resuscitation 149: 10-16 (2020)


Predicting drug-disease associations with heterogeneous network embedding
K Yang, X Zhao, D Waxman, XM Zhao
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 29 (12), 123109 (2019)

Estimating a drug's elimination rate-constant or half-life from a single blood sample:
A practical approach with particular benefits for critically ill/vulnerable patients
Greg Scutt, Marcus Allen, David Waxman
Biosystems 103996 (2019)

Effects of dynamical and structural modifications on synchronization
Lijia Chen, Peng Ji, David Waxman, Wei Lin, and Juergen Kurths
Chaos 29, 083131 (2019)

Sub- or supercritical transmissibilities in a finite disease outbreak:
Symmetry in outbreak properties of a disease conditioned on extinction
David Waxman, Pierre Nouvellet
Journal of Theoretical Biology 467: 80-86 (2019)


What is adaptation and how should it be measured?
Joel Peck, David Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 447: 190-198 (2018)


Establishing the community structure of signed interconnected graph in data
Wenlian Lu, Boyu Chen, Zhongxiao Jin, David Waxman, Jianfeng Feng
Proceedings of the 36th Chinese Control Conference 11127-11132 (2017)

Evolutionary control:
Targeted Change of Allele Frequencies in Natural Populations Using Externally Directed Evolution
Hassan Shafiey, Toni I Gossmann, David Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 419: 362-374 (2017)


An informational transition in conditioned Markov chains:
Applied to Genetics and Evolution
Lei Zhao, Martin Lascoux, David Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 402: 158-170 (2016)

A modified Wright-Fisher model that incorporates Ne:
A Variant of the Standard Model with Increased Biological Realism and Reduced Computational Complexity
Lei Zhao, Toni I Gossmann, David Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 393: 218-228 (2016)

The influence of genetic rrift on the formation and stability of polymorphisms arising from negative frequency-dependent selection
Lei Zhao, David Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 391: 51-64 (2016)

Cognitive training can reduce the rate of cognitive aging:
A neuroimaging cohort study
T Li, Y Yao, Y Cheng, B Xu, X Cao, D Waxman, W Feng, Y Shen, Q Li, J Wang, W Wu, C Li, J Feng
BMC Geriatrics 16: 12 (2016)

C. N. Yang on teaching and research in physics
Yu Shi, David Waxman
International Journal of Modern Physics A 1630016 (2016)

Characterizing the dynamical accumulation of nuclear DNA in the sperm cells of Lycium Barbarum L.
Hua Deng, Pierre Nouvellet, David Waxman
International Journal of Plant Biology 6: 5996 (2016)


Hard Harvesting of a Stochastically Changing Population
Xinjun Gan, David Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 380: 559-568 (2015)

A Statistical Approach for Detecting Common Features
Xinjun Gan, Bing Xu, Xiaoxi Ji, Wenlian Lu, David Waxman, Jianfeng Feng
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 247: 1-12 (2015)

Fundamental Factors Determining the Nature of Parasite Aggregation in Hosts
S Gourbière, S Morand, D Waxman
PLOS ONE 10: e0116893 (2015)

Singular Solution of the Feller Diffusion Equation via a Spectral Decomposition
Xinjun Gan, David Waxman
Physical Review E91 012123 (2015)

Population Structure and the Rate of Evolution
Xinzhu Wei, Lei Zhao, Martin Lascoux, David Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 365: 486-95 (2015)


Exact Simulation of Conditioned Wright-Fisher Models
L Zhao, M Lascoux, D Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 363: 419-26 (2014)

Inferring Host Range Dynamics from Comparative Data:
The Protozoan Parasites of New World Monkeys
David Waxman, Lucy Anne Weinert, John Welch
American Naturalist 184: 65?4 (2014)

Fluctuating Selection Models and Mcdonald-Kreitman Type Analyses
Toni I. Gossmann, David Waxman, Adam Eyre-Walker
PLOS ONE 9: e84540 (2014)


The Characteristic Trajectory of a Fixing Allele:
A Consequence of Fictitious Selection Which Arises From Conditioning
L Zhao, M Lascoux, ADJ Overall, D Waxman
Genetics 195: 993-1006 (2013)

Incorporating Variability in Honey Bee Waggle Dance Decoding Improves the Mapping of Communicated Resource Locations
Roger Schürch, Margaret J. Couvillon, Dominic D. R. Burns, Kiah Tasman, David Waxman, Francis L. W. Ratnieks
Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neurorthology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 199: 1143-1152 (2013)

Complete Numerical Solution of the Diffusion Equation of Random Genetic Drift
Lei Zhao, Xingye Yue, David Waxman
Genetics 194: 973-985 (2013)

The Increase of the Functional Entropy of the Human Brain with Age
Y Yao, WL Lu, B Xu, CB Li, CP Lin, D Waxman, J Feng
Scientific Reports 3: 2853 (2013)

Achieving Precise Mechanical Control in Intrinsically Noisy Systems
Wenlian Lu, Jianfeng Feng, Shun-ichi Amari, David Waxman
New Journal of Physics 15: 063012 (2013)

On a Theory of Precise Neural Control on a Noisy System
Wenlian Lu, Shun-ichi Amari, Jianfeng Feng, David Waxman
Y. Yamaguchi (ed.), Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III): 169-173 (2013)
Full Text (PDF)


Hidden Epistastic Interactions Can Favour the Evolution of Sex and Recombination
Joel R. Peck, David Waxman and John J. Welch
PLOS One 7: e48382 (2012)
Full Text (PDF)

Population Growth Enhances the Mean Fixation Time of Neutral Mutations and the Persistence of Neutral Variation
D. Waxman
Genetics 191: 561-577 (2012)
Full Text (PDF)


A Unified Treatment of the Probability of Fixation When Population Size and the Strength of Selection Change Over Time
D. Waxman
Genetics 188: 907-913 (2011)
Full Text (PDF), Commentary (PDF)

Testing the Level of Ant Activity Associated with Quorum Sensing:
An Empirical Approach Leading to the Establishment and Test of a Null-Model (Response to the Comment of Richardson et al.
P. Nouvellet, J.P. Bacon and D. Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 280: 191-193 (2011)
Full Text (PDF)

A Compact Result for the Time-Dependent Probability of Fixation at a Neutral Locus
D. Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 274: 131-135 (2011)
Full Text (PDF)

Comparison and Content of the Wright-Fisher Model of Random Genetic Drift, the Diffusion Approximation, and an Intermediate Model
D. Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 269: 79-87 (2011)
Full Text (PDF)


Is Life Impossible?
Information, Sex and the Origin of Complex Organisms
Joel R. Peck and David Waxman
Evolution 64: 3300?309 (2010)
Full Text (PDF)

Testing the Level of Ant Activity Associated with Quorum Sensing;
an Empirical Approach Leading to Establishment and Test of a Null-Model
P. Nouvellet, J. P. Bacon and D. Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 266: 573-583 (2010)
Full Text (PDF)

A Stochastic Model for a Single Click of Muller's Ratchet
D. Waxman and L. Loewe
Journal of Theoretical Biology 264: 1120-1132 (2010)
Full Text (PDF)

Scaling and Fractal Behaviour Underlying Meiotic Recombination
D. Waxman and N. Stoletzki
Biosystems 99: 42-49 (2010)
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Absence of Close-facing Retrotransposons:
A Comparison of Molecular Data and Theory
Alexandros Bousios, David Waxman and Stephen Pearce
Journal of Theoretical Biology 264: 205-210 (2010)
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A Problem With the Correlation Coefficient as a Measure of Gene Expression Divergence
Vini Pereira, David Waxman and Adam Eyre-Walker
Genetics 183: 1597-1600 (2009)
Full Text (PDF)

Fundamental Insights into the Random Movement of Animals from a Single Distance-Related Statistic
P. Nouvellet, J. P. Bacon and D. Waxman
American Naturalist 174: 506-514 (2009)
Full Text (PDF), Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D, Appendix E

Fixation at a Locus with Multiple Alleles:
Structure and Solution of the Wright Fisher Model
D. Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 257: 245-251 (2009)
Full Text (PDF)


Divergence and Polymorphism under the Nearly Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution
J. J. Welch, A. Eyre-Walker and D. Waxman
Journal of Molecular Evolution 67: 418-426 (2008)
Full Text (PDF)

Pleiotropic Scaling and QTL Data. Reply
G. P. Wagner, J. P. Kenney-Hunt, M. Pavlicev, J. R. Peck, D. Waxman and J. M. Cheverud
Nature 456: E4 (2008)
Full Text (PDF)

Adaptation to Slow Environmental Change, with Apparent Anticipation of Selection
M. Sato and D. Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 252: 166-172 (2008)
Full Text (PDF)

Threshold Bound States
W. A. Berger, H. G. Miller and D. Waxman
European Physical Journal A37: 357-360 (2008)
Full Text (PDF)

Calculating Independent Contrasts for the Comparative Study of Substitution Rates
J. J. Welch and D. Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 251: 667-678 (2008)
Full Text (PDF)

Pleiotropic Scaling of Gene Effects and the 'Cost of Complexity'
G. P. Wagner, J. P. Kenney-Hunt, M. Pavlicev, J. R. Peck, D. Waxman and J. M. Cheverud
Nature 452: 470-472 (2008)
Full Text (PDF)


Parameter-free Testing of the Shape of a Probability Distribution
M. Broom, P. Nouvellet, J. P. Bacon and D. Waxman
BioSystems 90: 509-515 (2007)
Full Text (PDF)

Singular Solutions of the Diffusion Equation of Population Genetics
A. J. McKane and D. Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 247: 849-858 (2007)
Full Text (PDF)

Mean Curvature Versus Normality:
A Comparison of Two Approximations of Fisher's Geometrical Model
D. Waxman
Theoretical Population Biology 71: 30-36 (2007)
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Fisher's Geometrical Model of Evolutionary Adaptation - Beyond Spherical Geometry
D. Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 241: 887-895 (2006)
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The Frequency of the Perfect Genotype in a Population Subject to Pleiotropic Mutation
D. Waxman and J. R. Peck
Theoretical Population Biology 69: 409?18 (2006)
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Near-periodic Substitution and the Genetic Variance Induced by Environmental Change
Y. Bello and D. Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 239: 152?60 (2006)
Full Text (PDF)


Fisher's Microscope and Haldane's Ellipse
D. Waxman and J. J. Welch
American Naturalist 166: 447-457 (2005)
Full Text (PDF)

Implications of Long Tails in the Distribution of Mutant Effects
D. Waxman and J. Feng
Physica D206: 265-274 (2005)
Full Text (PDF)

Issues of Terminology, Gradient Dynamics and the Ease of Sympatric Speciation in Adaptive Dynamics
D. Waxman and S. Gavrilets
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18: 1214-1219 (2005)
Full Text (PDF)

20 Questions on Adaptive Dynamics
D. Waxman and S. Gavrilets
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18: 1139?154 (2005)
Full Text and all Commentaries (PDF)

Dynamics of a Quantitative Character Subject only to Stabilizing Selection
D. Waxman
Mathematical Biosciences 194: 81-93 (2005)
Full Text (PDF)

The nk Model and Population Genetics
J. J. Welch and D. Waxman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 234: 329-340 (2005)
Full Text (PDF)

Ant Navigation: Reading Geometrical Signposts
Thomas S. Collett and David Waxman
Current Biology 15: R171-R173 (2005)
Full Text (PDF)


A One Locus, Biased Mutation Model and its Equivalence to an Unbiased Model
D. Waxman and J. R. Peck
BioSystems 78: 93-98 (2004)
Full Text (PDF)

Mutation and Selection in a Large Population
J. R. Peck, D. Waxman and A. Cruikshank
BioSystems 74: 15-27 (2004)
Full Text (PDF)

Application of a Generalised Levy Residence Time Problem to Neuronal Dynamics
David Waxman and Jianfeng Feng
Europhysics Letters 65: 434-439 (2004)
Full Text (PDF)


Mathematical Analysis of a Model Describing Evolution of an Asexual Population in a Changing Environment
M. Broom, Q. Tang and D. Waxman
Mathematical Biosciences 186: 93-108 (2003)
Full Text (PDF)

Evolution in a Changing Environment: Existence of Solutions
P. Rybka, Q. Tang and D. Waxman
Colloquium Mathematicum 98: 97-111 (2003)

The Anomalous Effects of Biased Mutation
D. Waxman and J. R. Peck
Genetics 164: 1615-1626 (2003)
Full Text (PDF)

Modularity and the Cost of Complexity
John Welch and David Waxman
Evolution 57: 1723-1734 (2003)
Full Text (PDF)

Non-equivalent Loci and Mutation-Selection Balance
David Waxman and John Welch
Theoretical Population Biology 63: 339-345 (2003)
Full Text (PDF)

An Integral Equation Describing an Asexual Population in a Changing Environment
Q. Tang and D. Waxman
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 53: 683-699 (2003)
Full Text (PDF)

The Balance between Pleiotropic Mutation and Selection, when Alleles have Discrete Effects
D. Waxman
Theoretical Population Biology 63: 105-114 (2003)
Full Text (PDF)

Numerical and Exact Solutions for Continuum of Alleles Models
D. Waxman
Journal of Mathematical Biology 46: 225-240 (2003)
Full Text (PDF)

Book Review of Advanced Mathematical Methods by D. Richards.
D. Waxman
Contemporary Physics 44: 157-158 (2003)

Book Review of A Guide to First Passage Processes by S. Redner.
D. Waxman
Contemporary Physics 44: 371 (2003)


Sympatric Speciation by Sexual Conflict
S. Gavrilets and D. Waxman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99: 10533-10538 (2002)
Full Text (PDF)

Non-Equivalent Loci and the Distribution of Mutant Effects
J. Welch and D. Waxman
Genetics 161: 897-904 (2002)
Full Text (PDF)

Ants Ordering Ants to Feed
D. Waxman
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17: 103-104 (2002)
Full Text (PDF)

Phage Lambda Takes the First Exit
L. Bromham and D. Waxman
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17: 160 (2002)
Full Text (PDF)

A Model of Population Genetics and its Mathematical Relation to Quantum Theory
D. Waxman
Contemporary Physics 43: 13-20 (2002)


Dynamics of a Multilocus Trait
D. Waxman
Selection: Molecules, Genes, Memes 1: 229-245 (2000)
Full Text (PDF)

The Outcome of Evolution when Mutations are Highly Pleiotropic
D. Waxman and J. R. Peck
Selection: Molecules, Genes, Memes 1: 181-191 (2000)
Full Text (PDF)

Mutation and Sex in a Competitive World
J. R. Peck and D. Waxman
Nature 406: 399-403 (2000)
Full Text (PDF)

What's Wrong with a Little Sex?
J. R. Peck and D. Waxman
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 13: 63-69 (2000)
Full Text (PDF)


Sex and Adaptation in a Changing Environment
D. Waxman and J. R. Peck
Genetics 153: 1041-1053 (1999)
Full Text (PDF)

Why do Asexuals Live where they do?
J. R. Peck, J. Yearsley and D. Waxman
In C. Nehaniv (Ed) Lectures on Mathematics in the Life Sciences.
American Mathematical Society 26: 121-131 (1999)


Pleiotropy and the Preservation of Perfection
D. Waxman and J. R. Peck
Science 279: 1210-1213 (1998)
Full Text (PDF), see also a commentary on this work by Günter Wagner

Why do Asexual and Self Fertilizing Populations tend to occur In Marginal Environments
J. R. Peck, J. M. Yearsley and D. Waxman
Nature 391: 889-892 (1998)
Full Text (PDF)

Numerical Determination of Bound States without Matrix Diagonalisation
D. Waxman
J. Phys A31: 1329-1339 (1998)
Full Text (PDF)


What Determines Fitness when Dispersal is Limited
J. R. Peck and D. Waxman
Evolution 51: 1036-1043 (1997)


Current Carried by Bound States of a Superconducting Vortex
D. Rainer, J. A. Sauls and D. Waxman
Phys Rev B54: 10094-10106 (1996)
Full Text (PDF)

The Bosonic Heat Bath Associated with a Moving Soliton in a Fermionic System
D. Waxman, G. Williams and N. Schopohl
Europhys Lett 33: 503-508 (1996)
Full Text (PDF)


Impact of Computer Algebra on Physics
D. Waxman
Contemporary Physics 36: 321-327 (1995)
Full Text (PDF)

NMR Study of the Effect of Flow on 3He-B
D. Kruppa, D. F. Brewer, J. Hutchins and D. Waxman
J Low Temp Phys 100: 441-461 (1995)

The Fredholm Determinant for a Dirac Hamiltonian with a Topological Mass Term
D. Waxman
Annals of Physics (NY) 241: 285-300 (1995)
Full Text (PDF)


Perturbative Approach to Landau Zener Transitions
D. Waxman
Annals of Physics (NY) 236: 205-216 (1994)
Full Text (PDF)

The Fredholm Determinant for a Bogoliubov Operator
D. Waxman
Physical Review Letters 72: 570-573 (1994)
Full Text (PDF)

On the Hindered Circulation of Charged Particles around Rings Enclosing a Varying Magnetic Flux
G. Barton and D. Waxman
Annals of Physics (NY) 231: 127-148 (1994)
Full Text (PDF)

The Fredholm Determinant of a Dirac Operator
D. Waxman
Annals of Physics (NY) 231: 256-269 (1994)
Full Text (PDF)


The Density of States for Fermi Superfluids with Layered Structures in the Order Parameter
D. Waxman and K. D. Ivanova-Moser
Annals of Physics (NY) 226: 271-292 (1993)
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The Low Energy Local Density of States of an Isolated Vortex in an Extreme type II Superconductor
D. Waxman
Annals of Physics (NY) 223: 129-148 (1993)
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Addendum to Non-Analytic Behaviour of the Free Energy of Fermions Coupled to Small Solitons
M. Nakahara, D. Waxman, and G. Williams
Journal of Physics A26: 765-768 (1993)
Full Text (PDF)


The Moving A-B Phase Boundary of Superfluid 3He
N. Schopohl and D. Waxman
Physica B178: 158-159 (1992)

Estimate of the Core Size of a Vortex in an Extreme Type II Superconductor
D. Waxman and G. Williams
Annals of Physics (NY) 220: 274-299 (1992)

The Moving A-B Phase Boundary of Superfluid 3He
N. Schopohl and D. Waxman
Journal of Physics C4: L639-L646 (1992)
Full Text (PDF)

The Free Energy of Solitons Coupled to Fermions:
Absence of a Gradient Expansion at Zero Temperature due to Bound States
D. Waxman and G. Williams
Journal of Physics A25: 1593-1604 (1992)
Full Text (PDF)

A Case Study of an Exactly Solvable Heat Kernel
D. Waxman and G. Williams
Journal of Physics A25: 3303-3318 (1992)
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Spinning Particle-Like Solitons in Superfluid 3He-B
D. Waxman and G. Williams
Zeitschrift fur Physik B88: 265-270 (1992)

The Order Parameter Length Scale of a Vortex Line in a Type II Superconductor:
Variation with Temperature
M. Nakahara, D. Waxman and G. Williams
Progress of Theoretical Physics 88: 129-143 (1992)
Full Text (PDF)


Approximate Calculation of the Free Energy of Fermi Systems with Topological Solitons:
Soliton Creation Energy of Polyacetylene
M. Nakahara, D. Waxman and G. Williams
Journal of Physics C3: 6743-6756 (1991)
Full Text (PDF)

Non-Analytic Behaviour of the Free Energy of Fermions Coupled to Small Solitons
D. Waxman and G. Williams
Journal of Physics A24: 3611-3623 (1991)
Full Text (PDF)

Quasiclassical Theory of the A-B Phase Boundary of Superfluid 3He;
Invited talk at LT19
N. Schopohl and D. Waxman
Physica B169: 165-169 (1991)


Quantum Dissipation of Arbitrary Strength from Coupling to Fermions
D. Waxman
Journal of Physics A23: 1137-1145 (1990)
Full Text (PDF)

Functional Treatment of Solitons in Polyacetylene
M. Nakahara, D. Waxman, and G. Williams
Journal of Physics A23: 5017-5027 (1990)
Full Text (PDF)


Scattering and Bound States of Quasiparticles at the A-B Phase boundary of Superfluid 3He
N. Schopohl and D. Waxman
Physical Review Letters 63: 1696-1699 (1989)
Full Text (PDF)

Scattering of Ballistic Quasiparticles at the A-B Phase Boundary of Superfluid 3He
N. Schopohl and D. Waxman
AIP conference Proceedings 194: 55 (1989) Editors G Ihas and Y Takano


Instanton Corrections to the Maxwell Construction
D. Waxman
Journal of Physics A21: 3677-3683 (1988)
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The Normal Current in a Thin Film of Superfluid 3He-A
D. Pattarini and D. Waxman
Journal of Physics C19: L649-L652 (1986)
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Anomalous Currents and Fractional Charge Associated with Domain Walls in Superfluid 3He-A Films
D. Pattarini and D. Waxman
Journal of Physics C19: L547-L550 (1986)
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Non Relativistic Fermions and Effects Related to Fractional Fermionic Charge
D. Waxman
Journal of Physics A19: 1621-1627 (1986)


Dissipative Quantum Tunnelling at Finite Temperatures
D. Waxman and A. J. Leggett
Physical Review B32: 4450-4468 (1985)
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Quantum Fokker-Planck Equation
L-D. Chang and D. Waxman
Journal of Physics C18: 5873-5879 (1985)
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Macroscopic Quantum Coherence and Tunnelling in a Double-Well Potential
D. Waxman
Journal of Physics C18: L421-L426 (1985)
Full Text (PDF)


DPhil Thesis Dissipative Quantum Tunnelling at Finite Temperatures
D. Waxman
University of Sussex: 1984


Eikonal Correction for a Spin-Orbit Potential
J. F. Germond, R J Lombard, D. Waxman and C. Wilkin
Helvetica Physica Acta 54: 321-322 (1981)

Eikonal Corrections for Spin Orbit Potentials
D. Waxman, C. Wilkin, J. F. Germond and R. J. Lombard
Phys Rev C24: 578-587 (1981)

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